Just about a week ago, MasterCard was in the news for its new look. Pentagram has given them a new identity by redesigning their logo. Yes, the same iconic logo which makes its way to almost everyone’s pockets! Let’s rewind – Remember 2006 and MasterCard? Their previous logo redesign received criticism to an extent that they chose not to use it on their debit and credit cards. According to the company, the 3 circles reflect the company’s distinctive, three-tiered business model as a franchisor, processor, and advisor. However, once you take a microscopic look, you will notice more than just the 3 circles. Moreover, the gradient loaded white circle is larger than the other two circles and unevenly slanted towards the right. You may ask why; we don’t know either. MasterCard has a history of being in the news for the most bizarre reasons. This time too, their approach towards... View Article
Content Marketing means generating original, free and powerful content to draw and convert prospective buyers into loyal customers, and then brand advocates. Today, with the rise of a start-up culture and several businesses realizing the importance of content, there’s a pool of data available on the internet about everything one can write about. Sometimes this situation acts as a dilemma because creating content which is 100% original can be a herculean task. Here, the advent of Artificial Intelligence is like the light at towards the end of tunnel. Artificial Intelligence or Machine exhibited intelligence is present all around us. Be it video games, web based searches or the applications we widely use, AI is the core element among all of these. The question which comes to mind – Is AI worth embracing in the long run where new possibilities are constantly changing the dynamics of Content Marketing? Below, are few... View Article